Diana Raab

Not on Demand

The day we took a walk behind your house moments after making crazy love in that hammock hanging from your mammoth oak tree under bright stars, clothes strewn about freshly cut grass where rabbits made babies and shuttles dropped their solid rocket boosters—You asked me to take a chance and write you a poem. I told you that I couldn’t do anything on demand, not even tell you what a great lover you were. I do things when I want to, except if you asked me with your seductive voice to make love in that hammock again, hanging upside down like the slow-moving sloth we spotted at today’s zoo visit‑—everything in slow motion, and under those vibrant stars holding a perfect poem in my head as we rocked in our hammock moments after our long walk and fervent love-making.

© Diana Raab

Diana Raab, PhD, is an award-winning memoirist, poet, blogger, speaker, and author of 13 books. Her new poetry chapbook is, An Imaginary Affair: Poems Whispered to Neruda (Finishing Line Press, 2022). She blogs for Psychology TodayThrive GlobalSixty and MeGood Men Project, and The Wisdom Daily. Visit: www.dianaraab.com.

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